Culture is all around us From the food we eat to the things we do to the things we believe culture is a part of our everyday lives A sociologist would

And the customer. 23 marketing tips for avoiding small business failure It is hard to accept and live with mistakes. When you fail and make a mistake, sometimes it helps to have a predetermined mental procedure (checklist) to help govern the process more quickly and efficiently. My checklist for dealing with mistakes and failures is…

Japans first capital city Nara was directly modeled after the Tang capital city Changan Out of the total Japanese population of about 56 million

How to avoid snake bites at feeding time A google sitemap («gs» for short) enable google’s googlebot spider to easily know what to index on your website. It is basically a text file that lists the web addresses of all the pages on your website. When google’s googlebot spider reads this list, it then knows…